The survey of fitness-services motivation of the region in the youth medium

  • Martyshenko N.S.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Currently, the market of fitness services in Russia demonstrates one of the highest growth rates among other services. Recently, the growth in demand for fitness services has moved to the regions. For a new level of development of the fitness industry, the transition from elite to mass service is typical. The paper presents an analysis of publications devoted to the development of models for the development of the fitness industry in the region. Two approaches to the assessment of the motivation for the consumption of fitness services have been identified. To study the market of fitness services in Primorsky Krai, the present work used data from a questionnaire survey of a young audience. The questionnaire form used for the analysis of consumer behavior mainly includes open questions for the processing of which a special computer technology was used. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop an original approach to building a motivational model of consumption of fitness services. In addition, an attempt was made to use a sociological survey to identify the values and characteristics of the psychological personal profile of consumers of fitness services. The paper presents the results of a study of latent factors affecting the formation of demand for fitness services in the region. The study of consumer behavior allows you to judge the effectiveness of fitness services in general, to analyze current trends in fitness consumption and predict the demand for fitness products in the future.

Keywords: fitness services, consumer motivation, marketing research, marketing technologies, questionnaire survey, data analysis, qualitative information processing, youth segment.